Apex Legends Porn Parody

Naturally Pornhub Created An Apex Legends Porn Parody

Pornhub and WoodRocket have teamed up to give the world an Apex Legends porn parody. The popular free-to-play battle royale game from Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts was a surprise launch earlier this year, but the fact that there is already an Apex Legends porn parody isn’t surprising at all. These parodies take on popular culture, and Apex Legends is currently one of the most popular games on the planet, so it makes sense it got its own parody.

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NSFW: As this is a porn parody, it’s not safe, appropriate and possibly illegal to watch the trailer or the actual parody at work, public places, at your mom’s, church, nor anywhere else that would be inappropriate and possibly illegal.

AGE RESTRICTION: The following content is intended for adults who are 18 years of age or older. If you’re below the age of 18 years, please close this window and DO NOT continue reading/viewing this page.

The Apex Legends porn parody is full on pun-intended funniness and we love that Pornhub and WoodRocket go into so much detail for these pop culture porn parodies.

Ass Sex Legends features some of the characters or Legends as they’re called in Apex Legends, but their names have been dirtied up to fit the porn parody. Some of the characters from the game you might recognise in the Apex Legends porn parody include Mirod (like “my rod”) which is a play on the Apex Legends character Mirage and is portrayed by Isiah Maxwell in the parody. Charlotte Sarte portrays the role of Gaipth (like “gap”), which represents Wraith from the game. Pathfinder also features in the parody as Penisfinder.

The trailer for the Apex Legends porn parody pokes some fun at the game itself, like, for instance, claiming that

Apex Legends is a totally unique and original game that is not almost exactly the same as Fortnite and PUBG or a bunch of other games it’s the same as.

Also, when Gaipth wants to start dancing, she is promptly told by Mirod

Don’t dance! Do not dance in this game! I don’t want Carlton to see us!

Some of the lines in the trailer for the porn parody are hilarious plays on words and phrases that gamers will be familiar with. Like when Mirod shows Gaipth his new “big dick skin” to which she replies “that’s no microtransaction“. It’s all fun and funny and fans of the franchise are sure to get a good laugh in. Also, be prepared to see many dildos and other sex toys in the Apex Legends porn parody.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHjBIQwc2tA” width=”600″]

Ass Sex Legends was directed by Missy Martinez and Holly G Myers and can be viewed in its entirety on Pornhub under the WoodRocket section right now.

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Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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