New Apex Legends Characters

New Apex Legends Weapon Coming Very Soon & Free Loot With Twitch Prime

Apex Legends took the world by storm earlier this month and if you haven’t been living under a fallen Titan, you would probably know this already. One thing a Battle Royale title needs to succeed in the long run is more content and it seems like Respawn is definitely on the ball. The developer teased a new Apex Legends weapon at roughly 00:01 South African time today in a short clip, which says “coming tomorrow” and it looks quite powerful.

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The new weapon is called Havoc and according to the tease, it is coming tomorrow. Respawn then recapped the recent announcements, including some free loot for Twitch Prime subscribers. In the recap on Reddit, Respawn said the following about the new Apex Legends weapon.

We’ll let you all know when the Havoc is live and available in Kings Canyon and for tomorrow’s update, we’ll talk more about it with one of our designers.

The clip, then, could have meant that the full reveal of the new Apex Legends weapon would be coming tomorrow, but it does seem like the weapon could release with an update tomorrow as well. If this is the case, then South African players should awaken with an update pending. Check out the short clip teasing the new Apex Legends weapon below. From the looks of it, it will be an energy rifle and for those who don’t know, only two weapons currently in Apex Legends use energy ammo, so another one that looks quite powerful should be a welcome addition.

In other Apex Legends news, if you happen to be a Twitch Prime subscriber, you can get some free loot. Respawn explains what the free loot is and the limitations of this promotion:

Starting today, Twitch Prime members can grab an exclusive Omega Point Pathfinder skin and you’ll snag a supply drop of five Apex Packs. The Twitch Prime rewards can only be granted to one account so make sure you are connecting the right one to your Twitch Prime account. Once you have connected an account and logged into the game, it will automatically grant the rewards on that platform, and will not be awarded to any other linked platform or account.

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What do you make of the new Apex Legends weapon and are you a Twitch Prime subscriber? Let us know in the comment section below.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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