Nintendo plans on keeping the Switch around for another year before releasing its successor. According to a new report, Nintendo’s new video game console won’t arrive until sometime after April 2024. A recent report claimed that Nintendo was gearing up to announce the hardware in September this year and while that might still happen, new sources say it won’t actually arrive until sometime in 2024.
According to Nikkei Asia, development on the new Nintendo console is “progressing well“. However, the originally-rumoured Holiday 2023 release window doesn’t seem likely.
READ MORE – Next Nintendo Console Development Reportedly ‘Progressing Well’
Nintendo itself has, in the past few days, commented on a possible reveal of new hardware. According to Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, the company has no plans to announce any new or upgraded hardware during the current fiscal year.
Shuntaro Furukawa was chatting to Bloomberg about the company’s recent annual financial report where he dropped the news. This statement now aligns itself with the latest news from Nikkei Asia claiming that the hardware won’t arrive until after April 2024.
Of course, Nintendo says there’s no plan to announce any hardware until the next financial year. So this means the Switch will be around until the end of March 2024. The company will likely announce the successor in early April with a planned release soon after.
Many sources believed that Nintendo’s new console would arrive this year. The September announcement and holiday 2023 release window would work out perfectly for the brand. However, if the recent statement is anything to go by, the company is planning something completely different.
The Nintendo Switch is now entering its seventh year on the market. This aged hardware has shown some rough edges in recent months with performance issues across the latest games. Nintendo has also admitted that sales of the console have started to slow down.
Even with the anticipated launch of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on the horizon, the company doesn’t expect to sell new Switch units. Keep in mind that the Nintendo Switch just surpassed 125 million units sold. Everyone and their grandma has one.
Source: Nikkei Asia