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Norman Reedus Trolls The Internet With Robbie The Silent Hill Rabbit

The Silent Hill fiasco is never going to end. Not only have we all sat glued to our screens hoping that the Blue Box Games Studios’ “Abandoned” game is a Kojima Silent Hill project but multiple studios have been teasing players with reports of new Silent Hill games in development. Just when you thought it was safe to go online, Norman Reedus has further added fuel to the fire by trolling the internet with the Silent Hill rabbit.

If you have played a Silent Hill game before you have probably noticed a pink rabbit in a couple of the games. Robbie the Rabbit originally appeared in Silent Hill 3 as a mascot for the Lakeside Amusement Park. The Robbie the Rabbit mascot costume then popped up throughout the area and freaked players out. While he never actually moved on camera, the character slowly became a sort of “easter egg” in the series.


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He was seen in Silent Hill 4: The Room as a doll, Silent Hill: Homecoming as a collectible item you have to find during a mission, and even made an appearance in the Silent Hill: Revelation movie. Robbie the Rabbit has since become a horror phenomenon appearing in games like Dead by Daylight, Metal Gear Online and Dark Deception. Although these appearances were mostly on t-shirts and items.

So why is he now in a recent Instagram with Norman Reedus? We have no idea. The former Silent Hills actor shared a video on Instagram where he is seen standing next to Robbie the Rabbit in a skeleton costume. The video is quite trippy and flashes the whole time while bursting a sort of rainbow ring towards the camera.


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A post shared by norman reedus (@bigbaldhead)

Norman Reedus has one hand behind his back and seems to also be holding Robbie’s hand at the same time as they walk forward. Robbie is wearing his pink mascot costume with blood on his face. You can quickly see the colour in a split second of the video and it is clearly Robbie the Rabbit from Silent Hill.

We don’t know why Norman Reedus is sharing this video. There is nothing else to discover from it other than this being yet another strange Silent Hill teaser. He could be trolling or perhaps hinting at something else. Multiple reports claim that there are a handful of Silent Hill games in development. One being the cancelled Norman Reedus Silent Hills reboot. I don’t know about you but this is now tiring. If anything comes out of this teaser we will share an update.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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