The recent Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi aired its last episode a few weeks ago, leaving fans feeling conflicted overall about the show. Some criticised its pacing while others felt like it had too much filler. Thankfully, one fan has now edited the entire series into a two and a half hour movie length.
The movie cut of Obi-Wan Kenobi was created by Kai Patterson, suitably naming it “The Patterson Cut”. According to the creator, this was done to fix the show’s “awkward pacing, whole scenes that ultimately amounted to nothing, goofy dialogue and directing choices.” You can download the movie cut right here.
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Patterson added that this was simply his own “artistic interpretation of how these scenes could be strung together to make something that works better for me personally.”
While this fan cut of the film technically borders on copyright, Patterson urged that viewers who aren’t subscribed to Disney+ do so before watching his movie version, making sure everyone is “supporting all the original artists on this show by not letting this become a means of pirating.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi was originally envisioned by Disney to be a trilogy of films starring Ewan McGregor. Writer Stuart Beattie ended up having his script of the first film in the trilogy scrapped, but many of his ideas were then carried over to the series.
The new Disney+ series was met with a divisive reception from fans, with some calling it overly padded out and featuring plenty of unnecessary filler, despite having strong opening and closing episodes. The show’s saving grace was Obi-Wan and Darth Vader’s relationship, which was further explored in the series. Patterson’s cut ensures that their relationship mostly remains the focal point of his edited version.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is now available to stream on Disney+. In our impressions of the series, we called it “Disney’s finest show yet” and praised the steps taken to explore Obi-Wan’s untold story.
Source: Kai Patterson