Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Adjustments Following Beta’s First Week

Overwatch 2 has officially wrapped up on its first week in beta and Blizzard has detailed plans to make some changes to the online multiplayer shooter.

Blizzard announced in a blog what it plans to make adjustments to in Overwatch 2 thanks to what it has learned from player feedback in the first week of the technical beta.

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The first set of adjustments will focus on several heroes that fall out of the “healthy range” after stating that “most heroes are falling into a healthy range overall for play rate and win rate across different skill levels”. The patch is set to release later in the week.

“We have heard clearly that support players feel both tanks and damage players have more new content to enjoy and explore in this Beta. Longer term, we believe the most effective way to tackle this issue is to add exciting new support heroes to the game, and that is part of our plans.”

There are also new and refreshed abilities planned for support heroes but Blizzard has stated this will only be implemented later on in the beta but they are more likely to come in during the next test.

The Overwatch 2 beta is currently only available for PC with Blizzard stating that there are plans for console players in future as well. The beta allows players access to the standard 5v5 PvP mode, new Push Mode, Ping System, a brand new hero called Sojourn, four hero reworks – Orisa, Doomfist, Bastion, and Sombra – as well as four brand new maps – Circuit Royal, Midtown, Toronto, and Rome.

The sequel also removes the Fire and Medal systems to “mirror other competitive games and sports”.

“For Overwatch 2, players can expect the new Scoreboard screen to display key statistics in real time for all players in the game. These statistics include eliminations, assists, deaths, damage, damage mitigated, and healing.

“The team may also look at reworking the Fire system sometime in the future to complement the scoreboard system as we believe it can provide excitement for high-performing players.”

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Source: Blizzard

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