It seems that both an Overwatch and Diablo animated series is in the works according to a Blizzard employee’s LinkedIn profile. According to the page, his profile lists him as being the executive producer of a TV adaption of Diablo that is “rendered in anime style. The TV series will apparently be distributed by Netflix.
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But wait, there is more. Nick van Dyk’s profile then goes on to reveal a second Blizzard animated show developed around the Overwatch franchise. His profile details the animation as being “sold” which means the series is not another Overwatch short-story trailer.
Nick has since removed the details from his profile and made it private at the same time to avoid any more leaks. But the cat is out of the bag already. Blizzard developing two animated shows makes sense. The company is currently working on both Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 so to have these shows as marketing boosts before the launch of the new games is a great idea.
Nick’s profile clearly indicates that the shows will be distributed through Netflix with both the Diablo and Overwatch animated series already being well into production. However, it will most likely be a while before we see them in the flesh. Both sequel video games are nowhere close to release so hopefully, they will tie us down until we get our hands on Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 in the distant future.