Vigilante group known as People v.s Preds has caught a senior vice president at Sony Interactive Entertainment red-handed. The group, who have an active YouTube channel, work on outing sexual predators by pretending to be underage kids on hookup apps. They then confront these people on camera and post about it on their channel.
People v.s Preds claim to have had conversations with a man named George Cociappo. Cociappo is a senior vice president at Sony Interactive Entertainment and worked specifically on the PlayStation Store division since 2013. After impersonating a 15-year-old boy through a male hookup app called Grindr, the group was invited to Cociappo’s home for sex.
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Not knowing they invited the vigilante group, Cociappo opened up for them and they filmed the whole expose. Cociappo was apparently using an alias “Jeff” and was even wearing a PS5 t-shirt when the group arrived at his home.
After Cociappo realized what was going on, he slammed the door in their faces. CNET reports that Cociappo has since been terminated from Sony. A representative confirmed this in a statement saying:
“We are aware of the situation and the employee in question has been terminated from employment”.
People v. Preds told Kotaku that the group had to go the online route before contacting the authorities. This is due to the police refusing to work with “cyber groups”. However, after Cociappo was exposed, the evidence was turned into the police for further investigation. You can watch the full video of the expose below: