Gamma is now available on iPhone. The app lets users emulate classic PlayStation One games on their devices and has been developed by ZodTTD.
For those who don’t know, ZodTDD has been developing video game emulators for iPhones since the earliest days of the App Store. The developer was heavily involved in the Cydia app emulators back in the day which saw users download apps through the jailbreak exploit.
Gamma is available on both iPhone and iPad. The app supports a range of BlueTooth controllers and keyboards and comes with a robust customization feature where users can tweak the on-screen controller skins.
The PS One emulator also automatically downloads game covers for you. In order to load games, however, you’ll need to obtain the .bin file versions of the PlayStation games. Thankfully, Gamma doesn’t require any BIOS files which makes the app a lot more approachable.
Usually, emulators rely on either illegally obtaining BIOS files or ripping these files directly from your hardware. The Delta emulator, which launched a few weeks back, requires certain files for the Nintendo DS mode to work, for example.
Gamma also seems quite safe to use. The App Store page states it collects certain identifiers that can be used to track users. However, the app doesn’t use any location data. So these tracking permissions are likely for advertising and marketing purposes.
You can download Gamme from the App Store here. Keep in mind that you’ll need to get your PS One games from other sites. Be sure to download the .bin files. I am personally looking forward to playing Breath of Fire 3 using Gamma. Seems like the perfect mobile game to pick up.