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Puma Announces Gaming Socks That Cost $100 a Pair

Puma has suddenly discovered that like many other companies, they too can take advantage of gamers with their new gaming socks. Puma has revealed a new range of gaming socks that will set you back $100 a pair.

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The new range is Puma’s “Active Gaming Footwear” and is currently on sale in the U.K and Australia. They retail for $100 a pair and are designed for “indoor and in-arena use”. According to Puma they provide “seamless comfort, support and grip so gamers can adapt to different active gaming modes”.

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Medial wrap-up grip in SEEK mode

Lateral wrap-up support in ATTACK mode

Heel wrap-up stability in CRUISE and DEFENSE mode


Yes, Puma is actually claiming that these sneaker-socks have different modes like a gaming mouse or keyboard. The only thing they are missing is a good set of RGB lights that go around the trim. To be honest, I have no idea what they are meant to do other than protect your feet and let you walk around without worrying about getting them dirty.

Even though these gaming socks are a dumb idea, I am sure we will see a load of YouTubers and esports players prancing around in them soon as they all get endorsed by the brand. For your average consumer who is just trying to pay rent, maybe these socks are a bad idea but for those with money, perhaps these will offer comfort worth its asking price.

Puma also released a short trailer for its gaming socks because why not?

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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