The recent ransomware attack against Capcom is still affecting the company. This time hackers have leaked the development build for Resident Evil 8 Village. Screenshots have appeared online across forums and social media showing off the game, characters, environments and more. In addition, the entire game’s plot has also been uploaded online which is not good news for Capcom at all.
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We caution you to explore social media carefully if you want to avoid seeing in-game spoilers. However, from what we have seen, the images don’t show off much in terms of the story but seeing any of the leaked images may ruin the discovery in the upcoming game.
The images, which you can view here on Imgur reveal what looks like a boss fight of some strange vampire-like creature. The monster has multiple faces including a woman who sits at the top of a flying beast which has another face. However, the creature seems to be combined together with the woman and the vampire-like form. This is no doubt a boss fight from Resident Evil 8: Village.
Images of a baby appear in many of the leaked screenshots. It seems as if this child will play an important role in the game’s story. There’s also an image of a blonde woman who has yet to be revealed in the game.
The biggest leak of all has to be the game’s story which has now been uploaded online. This is the information you want to stay away from as it would spoil the entire game for you. Not only does the leak reveal characters, plot details and even bosses but the ending of the game is also part of the Resident Evil 8: Village leak so be warned. You can view the full leak here if you really want to spoil it for yourself.
Resident Evil 8 Village is set to release in early 2021. Capcom is currently working on the game for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. However, the developer did announce back in September that they were investigating an approach to release the game on PS4 and Xbox One too. If they manage to get it running on the older hardware then that’s great news for gamers but don’t get your hopes up just yet.