Ruby Rose, the star of CW’s drama series Batwoman is leaving the Warner Bros. TV production after one season playing the superhero. The show was recently renewed for a second season. However, the studio will now need to look for a new lead to play Batwoman.
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“I have made the very difficult decision to not return to Batwoman next season. This was not a decision I made lightly as I have the utmost respect for the cast, crew and everyone involved with the show in both Vancouver and in Los Angeles.”
The reason behind Ruby Rose leaving the show is not clear. However, reports claim Ruby suffered a stunt injury she during the first season which left her facing paralysis and needing emergency surgery. According to sources, both parties decided to depart ways after reflecting on the show’s first season.
Sources also claim Ruby Rose was not a good fit to handle the intensity and long hours the show demanded. Her previous role in nine episodes of Orange Is the New Black, was nothing compared to playing a crime-fighting superhero. The show’s team was so unhappy to a point where no one could see her taking on another season.
Batwoman Season 1 consisted of 22 episodes. However, the show was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing the makeshift finale to air this coming week in the US. Unfortunately, Ruby Rose and Batwoman were never meant to be. The show’s lead will be recast for the second season. However, there’s no air date or plans in motion to get it up and running. We could see Batwoman suffer a substantial delay due to this fallout.