Samsung is set to announce its new Galaxy Z Flip phone tomorrow night during the S20 Unpacked event. However, it seems its marketing campaign kicked off a little earlier than expected after the smartphone maker aired a full Samsung Galaxy Z Flip advert during the Academy Awards last night. The ad basically showed off the whole device leaving nothing left to reveal at all.
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Samsung is set to reveal three new Galaxy smartphones tomorrow including the Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy S20, and S20 Ultra. The ad, which you can watch down below shows off the new foldable smartphone looking very much like a Gameboy Advanced SP as it works its way across a table during a whole load of unfolding actions while on video calls with users.
The most notable part of the ad is where Samsung openly states “You may notice a small crease in the centre of the main screen, which is a natural characteristic of the screen”. Should we be prepared for another #Foldgate? It is unclear whether or not the new foldable smartphone will launch with issues out of the box as the Galaxy Fold did in 2019.
Stay tuned for all the new Galaxy Z Flip and S20 news tomorrow as the brand reveals the new range of smartphones hitting stores in 2020. In the meantime, take a look at the ad;
Samsung just showed off the entire Z Flip during its Oscars ad. Small print says screen crease is normal, heh
— nilay patel (@reckless) February 10, 2020