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Shinji Mikami Says There’s No Space For New Dino Crisis Because of Monster Hunter

Shinji Mikami, the acclaimed director of the first Resident Evil and Dino Crisis games, thinks there’s not a lot of space for a new Dino Crisis title because Monster Hunter is such a popular franchise at the moment. This follows years of very high fan demand for a new Dino Crisis remake or entry in the franchise.

Speaking to Eurogamer in a recent interview, Shinji Mikami was surprised by the demand for a new Dino Crisis game, though he believes that Capcom had already covered the dinosaur-fighting market with the Monster Hunter series, which peaked in popularity following the release of Monster Hunter World in 2018. To date, Monster Hunter World is Capcom’s highest-selling game in the company’s history.

Mikami replied:

“The awesomeness of dinosaurs and the stuff you can do with dinosaurs, that’s been kind of really nailed down by Monster Hunter in recent years. So even if I were to decide to make a remake or a new version of Dino Crisis, I don’t really feel like there’s a whole lot of space for that kind of game right now, just since Monster Hunter has become such a big game. But yeah, it is surprising.”

It’s worth noting that the Monster Hunter series and Dino Crisis are technically two different genres with different gameplay styles and systems. While Monster Hunter leans heavily into action RPG, the Dino Crisis games are closer to survival horror with actual dinosaurs instead of the fantasy-type creatures made for Monster Hunter. There doesn’t seem to be an overlap in the similarities between the games other than the fact that Monster Hunter has loosely-inspired dinosaur designs.

A Capcom survey from back in February revealed that Dino Crisis was voted as the most demanded remake by fans (next to Okami). This was the first time that Capcom had acknowledged the high demand for the franchise’s return. If you want to dig a little deeper into why the Dino Crisis remake hasn’t happened yet, read more here.

Source: Eurogamer

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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