Sucker Punch’s Sly Cooper franchise marks one of PlayStation’s most beloved action/adventure titles from yesteryear. The series has since went dormant after Sucker Punch shifted their focus to Infamous and other ventures, but it looks like there are murmurs of Sly Cooper actually making a comeback in some form.
The news first broke via Nick Baker of XboxEra Podcast, who has been accurate in delivering insider information and leaks in the past. According to two sources close to Baker, Sony is planning to revive the Sly Cooper franchise. However, no other details were provided. Additionally, when asked about the Sly Cooper comeback, VentureBeat journalist and reputable source Jeff Grubb simply stated that he doesn’t have much to say on it, but it does indeed exist.
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If these rumours are true, it’s possible that Sucker Punch may be working on this revival. They were the original developers of the series since the PlayStation 2, and it only makes sense for them to attempt to bring the franchise back from the dead. At the moment, the studio is making waves with the well-received open world action game Ghost of Tsushima, and there are several rumours about the developer possibly bringing the Infamous series back too. Thanks to some well-placed Easter eggs in Ghost of Tsushima referencing Sly Cooper, they may have already been teasing its reappearance in gaming.
The stealth-platforming Sly Cooper franchise first released on the PlayStation 2, receiving an entire trilogy in that generation. Since then, Sly and his friends have only ever appeared as a guest character in games like PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The last time we heard of Sly Cooper was the release of 2013’s Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for the PlayStation 3, though that was not developed by Sucker Punch. With Insomniac Games keeping their Ratchet & Clank IP afloat today, we hope that Sucker Punch also has similar aspirations for their thieving raccoon mascot.
Source: PlayStation Universe
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