Just when he thought his dreams of owning a video game console that played counterfeit games were over, Soulja Boy is back at it again trying to sell even more stuff that no one wants. The latest experiment called Soulja Electronics now carries some older products he was trying to sell as well as some new ones too.
Related: Soulja Boy Says Fortnite Will Run On His Next Console, Epic Disagrees
Soulja Boy took to Twitter to announce the opening of Soulja Electronics and upon clicking on the link, the site is just filled with what looks like cheaply-made electronics with a “Soulja” tag on everything.
Looking for AirPods? Well, you can get Soulja Pods, Soulja Earbuds, or maybe a pair of Soulja Bluetooth Headphones. There is even a Soulja Gaming Headset which is actually the DIZA100 Kotion Each G9000 Headset. This pretty-average headset sells for $26,99 on Amazon and $29,99 on Soulja Electronics, apparantly $10 off the original price (yeah, really).
Everything listed on the store just seems like counterfeit goods and you can get it all much cheaper elsewhere. One range that is missing here is the lack of gaming consoles. It seems that Soulja Boy has now given up after the many complaints and legalities involved in selling consoles with pirated games. Or he is just waiting for the legal side of the battle to end before he lists them again.
The site has been poorly designed and even the brand logo seems like a primary school graphic design project. What in the world is going on here?
We wish Soulja Boy would focus on things that other celebs do such as fragrances and clothing. He would make a killing with some original products but it seems that is not the case here. Check out everything he has on offer here at Soulja Electronics.