Boet Fighter release date South African Cali4ways Steam

South African-Developed Boet Fighter Now Available on Steam

The South African-developed video game produced by Cali4Ways Games, Boet Fighter is now available on Steam. We have been following Boet Fighter for some time now, went hands-on with it and I even make a sneaky appearance in the beat em’ up fighter.

The side-scrolling, “creatine-klapping, moering-okes video game” released right on schedule (bar a few hours delay) after the release date was announced a couple of weeks ago. The game is available for just R200.

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The Cali4Ways team shared some information on this passion project;

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This 100% locally ninjaneered game follows the adventures of absolute legend and Schweetest Oke in All of Foruways™, Hard Eddy, and his best charna Modise “Mod-C” Cele, as they leave no boet unklapped on a sacred quest to find and retrieve his stolen binnet. All we know, is that out on the jol at local naaghtclub, William The Boets™ one Fraaday naaght, she left with an unknown – but incredibly handsome and ripped – alpha-male, while Hard Eddy was pre-occupied dribbing some okes to faand out of they had tuned him.


Their adventure then sees the Daanamic Duo klap their way through William Nicol Draav, Active Titness Gymnasium, LS Pawk, and many other epic stages set throughaat Jolhannesburg, that we don’t wanna tune okes about yet, so they still baah the game to faand out how kak-funny it really is.


It’s taken 18 months of intense compound upper-body lifting, with intermittent cage faaghts and occasional, laaght juicing, to klap BOET FIGHTER to completion… but it’s faanally here!


When you have stopped rejoicing, please tune all of your charnas, and then go and klap our game. Please and thank you.


We’re very excaated, and we really, really hope you skeem our game is TIT.


Shot, charnas. You okes are flippin’ legends,

Hard Eddy and the charnas at Cali4Ways Games.


Ps, the game will be released for PC first, with Mobile, Mac and console ports to follow over the next month, boet. Maybe two.


We also know the team plan on releasing DLC in the coming months too so stay tuned for that.

Are you picking up Boet Fighter on Steam? Let us know down below.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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