The upcoming Suicide Squad Isekai anime has received a release date with the first three episodes set to premiere on the same day. The anime adaptation of DC’s anti-hero team was announced back in July 2023 with animation being handled by Wit Studio, the company behind Attack on Titan and Spy x Family.
According to the official Warner Bros. Japan Twitter/X account, Suicide Squad Isekai will drop its first three episodes on 27 July. In the US, it will drop on Hulu and Max while internationally, it will arrive on ADN in France, HBO GO in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and Aniplus and Laftel in Korea. There’s no mention yet about whether it will release in South Africa on the same day but we’ll keep you posted.
Thereafter, new episodes will drop weekly. This marks the first attempt at adapting Suicide Squad into an anime as it previously had moderate success (we use the word “moderate” lightly) with the Hollywood movies and an underwhelming video game, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, which launched earlier this year.
#SuicideSquadISEKAI will be premiering on…
Max and Hulu in the United States✨⌛Watch the first 3 episode premiere on June 27🔥
For territories out side of the U.S.
Watch on…
☆France: ADN
☆Southeast Asia, Taiwan & Hong Kong: HBO GO·
☆Korea: ANIPLUS&LAFTEL and more!— Warner Bros. Japan Anime (@wb_anime) June 10, 2024
Suicide Squad follows a group of DC villains like Harley Quinn and King Shark who, under Amanda Waller, form a somewhat disposable team of misfits to take on threats in the DC universe. The IP gained quite a bit of popularity following 2016’s Suicide Squad movie from David Ayer. Since then, we’ve had multiple adaptations in different mediums and it seems like anime is the next stop on the tour.
Suicide Squad Isekai arrives on 27 July.
Source: Warner Bros. Japan