The DC cinematic universe is currently undergoing a massive restructure following The Suicide Squad director James Gunn being hired as the new co-CEO of DC Studios, who is charged with leading a new wave of projects based on DC’s characters. Last year, former Superman actor Henry Cavill announced that he would be officially retiring from the role, leaving big shoes to fill. A rumour recently began making the rounds online about a new actor being tapped to play the Man of Steel, but Gunn quickly shot those rumours down.
The rumour first gained traction with Twitter account Super Film News, which stated that The Kissing Booth actor Jacob Elordi was in line to be the next Superman for the DCU. Gunn replied to this tweet stating that no actor has actually been cast yet to play Superman. Gunn added that casting will only happen once the script is finished or close to finished, which isn’t the case right now.
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Gunn’s full response to Elordi being cast as the new Superman reads:
“My thoughts are no one has been cast as Superman yet. Casting, as is almost always the case with me, will happen after the script is finished or close to finished, and it isn’t. We’ll announce a few things in not too long, but the casting of Superman won’t be one of them.”
Fans are very eager to see who replaces Cavill as the next Superman, so naturally we’d begin to see “rumours” about potential candidates pop up everywhere. Gunn has now clarified that as long as a script isn’t done, we won’t get any official confirmation about the next Superman actor.
Cavill made his debut as Superman in 2013’s blockbuster Man of Steel, appearing in numerous DC films since then. The actor won’t be a part of DC Studios’ new vision for its revamped cinematic universe, sadly, nor will he reprise his role as Geralt of Rivia in Netflix’s Witcher series. On the plus side, Cavill is attached to a Warhammer 40,000 series currently in the works at Amazon. Being a noted Warhammer aficionado, Cavill is perfect for this particular project.
Source: James Gunn