The anticipated remake of System Shock has been delayed to 30 May 2023 after it was originally set to launch sometime this month. Developer Nightdive Studios confirmed the news in a recent statement saying that it needs a bit more time to polish the game. Unfortunately, the remake is only scheduled to launch on PC though the studio promises that console editions for PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S will arrive “in due course.”
The original System Shock was developed by Looking Glass Studios in 1994. The game went on to influence several popular IPs like BioShock, Prey and even Half-Life. The remake is an ambitious effort to bring the legendary game to newer generations. A press release describes it: “The System Shock remake combines the cult gameplay of the iconic original game with all-new HD visuals, updated controls, an overhauled interface and all-new sounds and music.”
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Nightdive Studios previously revealed via Kickstarter that it would release the System Shock remake in March but no concrete release date was mentioned. This raised a few red flags for fans as we’re currently in the middle of the month, so a delay was expected.
While it will launch on PC first, the System Shock remake is also coming to consoles at a later date. Nightdive Studios confirmed:
“Console editions of System Shock will release on PS4, PS5 and Xbox One and Series S/X in due course. More details on this when we have them.”
Nightdive Studios worked closely with the original developers on the current remake but apparently, System Shock 3 is still on the table though the studio claimed it’s up to Tencent if the anticipated sequel ever gets made.
System Shock now releases on 30 May 2023 for PC.
Source: Nightdive Studios