Borderlands 3 E3 2019

The Borderlands 3 E3 2019 Stand is The Best We Have Ever Seen

If anything is clear from E3 2019 it is that Borderlands 3 has one of, if not the biggest presence at the show. It is EVERYWHERE from the Luxe Hotel advert beautifully painted on the side of a building in downtown LA to the crazy wallpapers stuck across the streets in the city nearby the Los Angeles Convention Center.

In the expo hall itself, 2K Games sure had a fairly large budget to work with this year as you would think that E3 2019 is more like Borderlands Con. This is not a bad thing as Borderlands 3’s presence has been welcomed with some breathtaking artworks. Upon walking into the South Hall today I was completely blown away (mouth wide open almost tearing up) at just how epic the Borderlands 3 E3 2019 stand actually was.

We are talking about a giant floor space with life-sized character statues of all the playable characters from the upcoming game as well as the two antagonists. What was even more striking was the fact that the walls that make up the whole stand are actually giant screens that move, play the latest trailers and rotate all the awesome artwork from the game.

It is really something spectacular to gaze upon and after spending close to thirty minutes there, it was pretty clear that Borderlands 3’s marketing campaign is a strong one with a pretty high budget to boast. Unfortunately, due to bad PR, I was unable to get my hands on the game but I am not too worried. September is around the corner and 2K Games has made is quite clear that “Mayhem is Coming”

Check out some shots below from the stand;

Borderlands 3 releases on 13 September 2019 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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