Tango Gameworks recently shadow-dropped its latest game, Hi-Fi Rush, on Xbox Series X/S and PC. While the vibrant and colourful rhythm action title is a massive departure from the studio’s trademark horror games like Ghostwire: Tokyo and The Evil Within, a newly discovered Easter egg in Hi-Fi Rush suggests that the company might be teasing an imminent announcement for The Evil Within 3.
As reported by a source that tipped off Games Radar, Hi-Fi Rush contains a strange Easter egg referencing a sequel to a “popular survival horror game”. During the cinematic cutscene before Track 11: The Needle Drop and on the way to the game’s final boss, the elevator you’re in reaches its destination of floor 776. For a split-second, though, you get a brief look at the floor screen with text of a news flash below reading, “Sequel to popular survival horror game franchise anounced”.
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The Easter egg quickly found traction on Reddit with players who corroborated the finding. The Hi-Fi Rush Easter egg is extremely out-of-place, even within the context of the game’s whacky world. It also seems very on-the-nose without any evidence about some in-game survival horror game existing in its world. Fans quickly took this as a possible teaser for The Evil Within 3.
The Evil Within launched in 2014 from Resident Evil co-creator and director Shinji Mikami. Its sequel, The Evil Within 2, later launched in 2017. Both games received mostly positive reviews and was often cited as worthy new survival horror games that kept the genre alive. It makes sense that Tango Gameworks would want to push ahead with a third entry. However, Mikami was adamant about breaking Tango’s image of the studio that only makes horror games and wanted to focus on different, smaller projects – hence Hi-Fi Rush.
That doesn’t mean that Tango Gameworks has entirely ruled out horror games, though. It’s possible that the studio has been secretly working on The Evil Within 3. We recommend taking this as mere speculation, though. As cool as the Easter egg is and what it might imply, we’ll simply have to wait for some official confirmation from the team.
Hi-Fi Rush is now available on Xbox Series X/S and PC as well as Xbox Game Pass.
Source: Games Radar