Razer Viper Mini Gaming Mouse

The New Razer Viper Mini Weighs Just 61 Grams

Razer has announced a new gaming mouse that is officially their lightest ever made. The Razer Viper Mini is a smaller version of the Viper and Viper Ultimate but with shorter length and width grips. It is also a lot lighter than the flagship gaming mice making this little mouse the lightest in the lineup Razer has on offer.

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According to Razer, the Viper Mini weighs a measly 61 grams which is 8 grams lighter than the larger Viper mouse. As for the Viper Ultimate, it comes in at 74 grams. While this new gaming mouse is not the smallest on the market, the Atheris is actually smaller, it Viper Mini is still lighter at 61 grams compared to 66 grams on the Atheris.

Razer Viper Mini Gaming Mouse

The Razer Viper Mini is designed to pack the full-sized experience in a smaller design. It features the same ambidextrous design as the flagship models and used optical mouse switches and features six programmable buttons. It also packs an 8.500 DPI optical sensor and offers a tracking speed of up to 300 inches per second.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#6EFF0C” class=”” size=”21″]The ambidextrous chassis has shaved off more weight, so you can enjoy even swifter swipes, yet remains as durable and solid as ever. Recommended for gamers with small to medium hand sizes, this ultra-lightweight gaming mouse is best suited for those who favor claw or fingertip grip styles,”[/perfectpullquote]

There is no local pricing available for the mouse yet but in the US it is retailing for $39,99.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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