Early this month, The International 2019 (TI 2019)’s prize pool surpassed the prize pool of last year’s TI and became the biggest prize pool for a single esports tournament ever. However, some might have disagreed with that statement if you believe that the Fortnite World Cup which is technically two tournaments (solo and duo) should be counted as one with its combined $30 million prize pool. Now, TI 2019 undisputedly has the biggest prize pool in esports history, blasting past the $30 million mark.
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To put things into a local perspective, the prize pool sits at $30,131,876 which is roughly R420,000,000 at the time of writing. What’s even crazier is that there is still 35 days of crowdfunding to go and honestly, it could reach $35 million by then. For those who don’t know, the TI 2019 prize pool continues to grow until the grand finals takes place at the end of August.
Check out a comparison graph (via Dota Prize Tracker) between The International 2019 and previous The International tournaments.
Keep in mind that Valve gave $1.6 million as a base prize pool and since then, over $28.5 million has been raised with Battle Pass and related purchases. Also, only 25% of the Battle Pass and related purchases go into the prize pool, while Valve gets the other 75%, so GabeN should have enough money now to count to three and there is, of course, a 3 in that magical $30 million number.
With this mammoth achievement, Battle Pass owners should get 10,000 Battle Points soon, but I, for one, hope there is a little surprise in store from Valve to celebrate this occasion as well. We will have to wait and see, however, as the official Dota 2 Twitter account hasn’t even said anything about the $30 million prize pool yet.
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What do you think about TI 2019’s prize pool and do you think Valve will give Battle Pass owners a little surprise? Let us know in the comment section below.