Square Enix has announced a brand-new Tomb Raider game starring Lara Croft and it is coming to mobile devices. Tomb Raider Reloaded is a sort of soft reboot of the series with its own new Lara Croft actress, art style and story. However, we have yet to see gameplay because why announce a new game in 2020 and show actual gameplay of it?
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The short trailer for Tomb Raider Reloaded does not tell us much. However, we do get to see the new Lara Croft and some creatures she is shooting her way through. According to the trailer description, it is an action arcade game made by Emerald City Games and published by Square Enix London Mobile. It won’t have any tie into the previous trilogy at all either.
There are a few things we can hope for from Tomb Raider Reloaded. If they go the top-down route, let’s hope it delivers “Temple of Osiris” gameplay with puzzles and twin-stick arcade shooting. If they don’t, we can only hope a 3D platformer delivers enough “Tomb Raider” magic on mobile devices to make it stand out.
So when is Tomb Raider Reloaded releasing? Well, according to the trailer the game will arrive in 2021 on Android and iOS. In addition, it will be free-to-play as most mobile games are. Expect it to be littered with microtransactions. Check out the trailer down below;