UK CMA Will Investigate Google and Apple over Cloud Gaming Rule

The UK Competition and Markets Authority – CMA – will reportedly be investigating Apple and Google over their possible dominance over the cloud gaming market. Chief Executive Officer of the CMA, Andrea Coscelli, stated that there are concerns over the dominance of the two software giants, given that almost every smartphone uses either iOS or Android.

While it seems that the strict focus is on cloud gaming on smart devices, it seems that the CMA is also interested in looking at how to break Apple and Google’s dominion over the industry in total. It is worth noting that in an industry as colossal as this, the ability to only really choose between two operating systems is quite interesting.

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Coscelli focused on how the two software magnets controls users’ browsing and cloud gaming habits, especially since Google and Apple can deny access to start-ups looking to enter the cloud gaming space. While it is important for Google and Apple to maintain their control over their relevant spaces, it severely limits where these start-ups, and users, could go for an alternative.

“When it comes to how people use mobile phones, Apple and Google hold all the cards. As good as many of their services and products are, their strong grip on mobile ecosystems allows them to shut out competitors, holding back the British tech sector and limiting choice.”

The study that the CMA aims to undertake sets out to determine if the market currently features properties that could potentially limit the competition element, which could very well be the case in the smartphone industry. If the CMA does find that the competition element has been hindered in the industry, they could be imposing changes on these businesses through legislation or structural remedies, which could equate to companies having to sell off large parts of their business.

The CMA could potentially shake up the smartphone industry which is something that has been needed for quite some time. Exciting.



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