Toxic Dota 2 players Dota 2 matchmaking Valve

Valve Mutes Toxic Dota 2 Players With Low Behaviour Scores

Valve is continuing to work on the Dota 2 matchmaking and as part of this initiative, players with low behaviour scores are being muted, which is pretty fantastic. Don’t worry if you’ve dropped in score a bit, as only players with a behaviour score which, according to Valve, is a very small percentage of all players.

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Everyone that has played Dota 2 for any significant amount of time knows how toxic Dota 2 players can ruin the experience and it even led me to write about the types of Dota 2 players that can make you rage. In every online game, there is sure to be some toxic players but from now on in Dota 2, you won’t hear them over voice coms or see them typing in a match’s chat.

Valve explained in a recent blog post that players with a behaviour score of 3000 and lower won’t be able to use chat or voice communications until such time as their behaviour score improves. This is an effort to clean up the game a bit by encouraging toxic Dota 2 players to be better and also protecting the larger player base.

Valve explains this change to the Dota 2 matchmaking, stating that:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#16EBE3″ class=”” size=”20″]Our last update included a wave of bans on users that were at the very extreme edge of the player population in terms of toxicity and negative behavior. However, those bans affected only a very small percentage of all players, and we also wanted a more gradual system to address players that are not at the furthest extreme but are still big outliers from the general player population. To that end, players that have a behaviour score below 3000 are no longer able to use chat or voice until their score rises above the acceptable threshold.


We believe this more gradual user-facing reinforcement mechanism will be valuable for both protecting the larger population from outliers and as a warning system for players who are moving in the wrong direction that might encourage them to improve. We set the threshold score at 3000 due to the low probability that anyone would be that low without having had a consistently negative impact on the experiences of many different teammates.[/perfectpullquote]

This is an excellent move by Valve and hopefully, we will one day have a Dota 2 experience that is without any toxic players, but the fight will surely continue as they always find ways to ruin the experience for others.

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What do you think about Valve muting toxic Dota 2 players and have you encountered any recently in a match? Let us know in the comment section below.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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