Sony treated fans to the first gameplay footage of Horizon Forbidden West and it was incredible. It is not only the first time we have seen actual gameplay running on the PS5 but also got a glimpse at the new area Aloy will explore in the game as well as enemies and weapons she will take down and wield.
The gameplay kicks off with Aloy exploring a beach wasteland scattered in ruins of houses and large buildings. Aloy is forced to flee from crazy raptor-like mechs that are trying to take her down. She then tosses a smoke grenade which causes a distraction and gives her enough time to flee. Fast forward the gameplay and Aloy has some new tricks up her sleeve. During a combat encounter, she pulls out an electric battery-like mod that she attaches to her weapon that imbues it with the power of electricity. She can deal massive blows to her foes as well as slam the ground letting off a charged attack.
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The Horizon Forbidden West gameplay also focuses on a returning character Erend. Aloy enters an encampment by using a glider to fly into the area. She is tasked to save him but comes face to face with more raptors and a massive elephant machine that she slowly takes down. It seems these raiders have the power to control these machines by overriding them. Much of the combat seems to remain the same. Aloy shoots spots on the elephant to damage parts that slowly fall off and reveal weak areas that take more damage.
Guerrilla Games says that Aloy now has a few new tools that help with exploration. She can dive underwater with the dive mask. Aloy can grapple across a gap with a tether and the glider lets her jump down and glide to safety or even surprise enemies.
So when can players expect to play Horizon Forbidden West? Well, we don’t know yet. Guerrilla Games said during the stream that they will have more streams and gameplay to share regarding the game closer to launch but did not state when this launch will be. Thankfully, right at the end of the stream, it was confirmed that Horizon Forbidden West will be headed to PS4 and PS5 when it does launch.
Aloy won’t just be dealing with human enemies. The game also features a big new selection of deadly machines: Sunwings in the sky, Clawstriders and Tremortusks on land, Snapmaws and the smaller (yet not to be underestimated) Burrowers in the water. That’s only the beginning, as many more will be revealed throughout the massive open world of Horizon Forbidden West. You’ll have to be smart and creative to take them all down.
Thanks for watching our Horizon Forbidden West gameplay reveal! We don’t have an exact release date yet, but development is on track and we’ll have an update for you very soon.
Watch the gameplay down below.
Source: PS Blog