Ubisoft has delayed the Watch Dogs: Legion online mode into 2021. The developer shared the news on its blog saying that the top priority for the studio at the moment is fixing the technical issues so that everyone can experience the game as intended.
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Ubisoft explained that the latest Watch Dogs: Legion update 2.20 on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Stadia adds a manual save button to PC and brings further stability improvements to the console version of the game. You can read the full changelog for the update here.
As Ubisoft focuses its attention towards fixing the game’s issues, the developer won’t release the Watch Dogs: Legion online mode on 3 December as previously planned. Instead, the mode will go live sometime in early 2021. This gives them more time to test the experience in order to ensure it releases with the least amount of problems possible.
Players can also look forward to more improvements and quality-of-life changes coming next month including stability enhancements and further graphics optimizations for PC. Ubisoft says the goal to reach 60FPS or higher on high-end GPUs is of great importance to them. This is an issue that many players have faced with the game since launch.
We reviewed Watch Dogs: Legion and enjoyed it. While the story lacks the same kick from the second game, London is a thriving open world that is fun to explore. You can read our full review of the game here and watch it down below;