Next-Gen Ghost of Tsushima

We Open Over 40 Immortal Treasure II From the Dota 2 Battle Pass

Over the weekend, Valve released the special event game mode that really seems to be a bit of a letdown, as well as the Immortal Treasure II for Dota 2 Battle Pass owners. With a Battle Pass of level 700, I had 36 Immortal Treasure II’s to open and by converting four duplicates for another treasure, I had just over 40 treasures.

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The Immortal Treasure II cosmetic items do look pretty great if you ask me, especially that Luna rare item with its rainbow effect, as well as the ultra rare Ember Spirit item. Check out the video below as I open over 40 Immortal Treasure II’s from the Battle Pass to see if GabeN favoured me this time around, since the Immortal Treasure I opening didn’t exactly go all that well.

[su_youtube url=”” width=”600″]

The Immortal Treasure II features escalating odds and as you can see from the video above, I got some really great spins out of it and maybe even got a bit lucky, getting all the items including the rares, with the only exception being that “cosmically rare” emblem that I’ve never seen someone get before.

Valve announced the Immortal Treasure II release, which was quite late, explaining that:

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#33ffe6″ class=”” size=”22″] To help welcome the Mo’rokai to the fight, Immortal Treasure II is also now available, featuring all-new items for Dazzle, Timbersaw, Grimstroke, Pugna, Warlock, and Luna.


In addition, each of these treasures that you open also offers increasing odds of receiving a rare demonic mane for Lion, a very rare Golden version of the Luna or Timbersaw items, or an ultra rare celestial mantle for Ember Spirit. There’s also the cosmically rare chance to discover the Overgrown Emblem custom hero effect.


All Battle Pass owners can find an Immortal Treasure II ready to unbox in the Armory, and you can earn more treasures by increasing your Battle Level. [/perfectpullquote]

With more Battle Pass content planned, we will be covering it all so stay tuned at GLITCHED for all your The International 2019 and Dota 2 news. Now, we wait “patiently” for the release of the Immortal Treasure III, but that will probably not happen this month if we look at Valve’s track record.

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What items did you get from the Immortal Treasure II and which ones do you like the most? Let us know in the comment section below.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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