WhatsApp users will be able to update their app today and enable the much-anticipated Dark Mode feature. Facebook has officially rolled out the new updated visual theme for the popular chat app which will invert most of the colours to dark to help with eye strain and improve battery life on OLED displays. Dark Mode on WhatsApp for iPhone and Android has been in beta for a couple of weeks now and it is nice to see its release to the public. We can confirm that the app has been updated in SA so head over to the App Store and update it.
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The WhatsApp Dark Mode for iPhone and Android also makes use of iOS 13’s and Android 10’s dark mode toggle so when you are using Light Mode, the app will appear white but when you flip the switch it will turn dark. In order for the app to fully convert, you will need to make use of the default wallpaper on WhatsApp. The best thing to do is to reset the wallpaper to default by heading to System – Chats – Chat – Reset Wallpaper. Once done, the app will automatically change the background of your chats from light to dark when you switch the OS to the different modes.
Dark Mode on WhatsApp for iPhone and Android is the first of two major rollouts planned for the coming months. Facebook is also working on a desktop mode which leaked last week. It did not take them long to get the app updated for iPhone and Android so we may see the WhatsApp desktop app release quite soon. In the meantime, update your app on your iPhone or Android 10 app and enjoy this new visual change.