WhatsApp has rolled out a range of new features in its latest update. The new changes include the ability to add custom wallpapers for individual chats, new light and dark mode wallpapers, the ability to darken or lighten a wallpaper manually, sticker search and more.
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Up to now, users were able to set custom wallpapers for the entire app. However, the new WhatsApp update brings the ability to select a different wallpaper and image for each individual chat. This feature applies to both single chat and group chats too. It makes the experience a lot more personal. WhatsApp says;
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#6FFF33″ class=”” size=”21″]Your WhatsApp chats hold a special place in your life, which is why we’re introducing custom chat wallpapers. Make your chats personal and distinguishable by using a custom wallpaper for your most important chats and favorite people, and you never need worry about sending the wrong message in the wrong chat ever again.[/perfectpullquote]
Along with the custom wallpaper feature in WhatsApp, users can now browse through some fantastic new in-house wallpapers created by Facebook. You can now select the classic doodle wallpaper in a range of colours, or browse the dark and light wallpaper selection. If you preferred the older wallpapers then don’t worry, they are still there under the “wallpaper archive” tab.
Lastly, users can now search for stickers when using the app. WhatsApp has also added a load of new sticker sets to the app including the World Health Organization’s “Together at Home” sticker pack. The update is now live for iOS and coming soon to Android.
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