Facebook has released the newest version of WhatsApp in beta that includes an interesting new feature. According to the beta, WhatsApp is getting a special reactions feature that will allow users to react to messages as they would on Facebook.
According to the latest build, the WhatsApp reactions rely mainly on notifications to send responses to users depending on how they react to texts on the app. If you have used Facebook reactions in the past, this won’t be anything new to you. Users simply hold down on the like button to choose the specific reaction they want for the post.
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According to reports, the WhatsApp reactions feature has been in development for some time already. However, up to this point, the feature would not notify you of the reaction through push notifications. That has since changed in this newest beta build. Now, instead of the reaction being sent to you while the app is open, you may also opt for push notifications to alert you.
At the moment there’s no clear release date for the feature. In addition, WhatsApp has yet to officially announce the reactions system. We will most likely see it arrive across iOS and Android in the near future.
Would you make use of this WhatsApp reactions feature? Let us know down below.
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Source: GSM Arena