WhatsApp is adding a new planning feature to the app where users can organise events in group messages. As a result, it will be easier for friends and organizations to set up virtual and in-person activities without relying on a third-party app system.
Essentially, this feature will let users set up birthday parties, meetings, get-togethers and other occasions using an invite system on the group chat. Members of the group can then respond to the event in-app which then triggers a calendar event, a reminder and shows who is attending the event in the group chat.
Once created, the event is then pinned to the chat page so users can instantly view its details. The creator can also edit these events which then alerts users about the changes. Lastly, certain events can also make use of the WhatsApp 32-person video calling feature. So you can set up a conference call in the app and use the same app to host the call.
WhatsApp says the events feature is rolling out to Communities first. It will then launch into Groups in the coming months.
With events it’s now easier to plan get togethers directly in WhatsApp, whether it’s setting up a virtual meeting or birthday dinner. Anyone can create an event that others can respond to, so the whole group knows who is coming. Guests can also find the event in the group’s information page, and those going will get a notification when the event is getting close. Events are coming to groups that belong to a Community first, and will roll out to all groups over the coming months.
At the moment, Meta hasn’t said when we can expect the events feature in the Communities section. However, it should go live within the next few weeks.
Source: WhatsApp Blog