Actor Will Smith has been banned from the Oscars for 10 years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced recently. Two weeks ago during the annual 94th Academy Awards, Smith slapped host Chris Rock on stage after the comedian made a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.
The Hollywood Reporter detailed the ruling, stating that effective from 8 April 2022, Will Smith will not be allowed to attend the Oscars for a decade, be it in-person or digitally. The Academy was criticised for its mishandling of the situation, despite Smith still winning the top award for Best Actor that night.
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The Academy revealed that Smith will still be able to keep his Oscar, which he won for the biographical film King Richard.
“The Board has decided, for a period of 10 years from April 8, 2022, Mr. Smith shall not be permitted to attend any Academy events or programs, in person or virtually, including but not limited to the Academy Awards,” said AMPAS president David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson.
Additionally, Smith’s future projects including Bad Boys 4, Netflix’s Fast and Loose, and the Apple TV movie Emancipation have all been put on hold following the incident.
Smith resigned from the Academy a week ago and issued an apology. Reports have also surfaced claiming that the actor was asked to leave the venue after the slap, while others say that no action was ever taken during the ceremony. Apparently following the Oscars, Smith and Rock made peace.
The Academy has come under fire for their delayed actions taken against Smith, with some calling for the actor to have his Oscar revoked entirely. Rock refused to press any charges. Following the incident, the internet swiftly responded with a wave of memes, including one Elden Ring invader who decided to name themselves “Will Smith” and slap other players in the role-playing game.
NOW READ Why Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock and The Memes That Followed
Source: The Hollywood Reporter