World of Warships One Week Free Premium Holidays

World of Warships Gets One Week of Free Premium for the Holidays

To bring in the new year and celebrate the holidays, World of Warships is offering a week of free premium to all players. From now until the end of the year as part of the currently ongoing Plunder Dash event, players will receive a Premium upgrade account for a full week – all entirely for free (normally you’d have to pay $4.99).

Since this is opt-in and not automatic, World of Warships players will need to manually claim it before the benefits start to appear. As for what the Premium account benefits entail, they include increased experience gains that will speed up research and ship unlocks. Credit bonuses will also be available so you don’t have to spend so much time saving up.

READ MORE – World of Warships Celebrates Five Years on Steam With $5USD Steam Wallet Giveaway

Premium also extends campaign task limits to three instead of the two allowed with a free account. Basically, having a Premium account means you’ll get to progress at a much faster rate in the game. This will be available for free for only one week, though. Thereafter, you can choose to purchase it normally.

New players to World of Warships will receive something extra special. They’ll be able to take advantage of two full free weeks when they sign up and pick their team. No matter which side you choose, you’ll receive:

  • 14 days of Premium
  • 500 Doubloons
  • 2 million Credits
  • A Tier IV ship
  • 12 winter-themed camouflages for your boats

Players will be able to combine this with the free week of Premium, meaning your new account can accrue a total of 21 days or three weeks of Premium perks at no additional cost.

Make sure you grab your free week of Premium in World of Warships from now until 31 December 2022 at 6:59 p.m. ET (3:59 p.m. PT) or 2:00 am CAT.

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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