The Dark Pictures Anthology Supermassive Games Trademarked

Five New Dark Pictures Games Trademarked by Supermassive

Supermassive Games, the developer behind Until Dawn, have trademarked five new titles in The Dark Pictures Anthology. The horror series has received annual releases with 2019’s Man of Medan, 2020’s Little Hope and 2021’s House of Ashes. However, they’re now rolling out the next phase of games in the franchise.

As reported by Gematsu, Supermassive Games recently filed a trademark for five new Dark Pictures games. Each trademark also comes with its own logo, suggesting that they already have a plan in mind for the next five years following the release of 2022’s already announced The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me.

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The five trademarked titles include:

  • The Dark Pictures: The Craven Man
  • The Dark Pictures Presents: O Death
  • The Dark Pictures: Directive 8020
  • The Dark Pictures: Intercession
  • The Dark Pictures: Winterfold

The Dark Pictures Anthology Supermassive Games Trademarked

Little is actually known about the plotlines for each of these titles, though judging by the logos, The Craven Man looks like it might draw some inspiration from Slender Man, while Intercession could potentially be focused on demonic possession. Directive 8020 appears to have some sci-fi element too.

Supermassive Games have enjoyed some success with The Dark Pictures Anthology. Each game in the series tells a new, standalone horror story focused on a group of people facing some kind of supernatural or paranormal threat. Thanks to c0-op, the games can be played with a group of players, making for excellent party titles.

This year’s entry, The Dark Pictures: The Devil In Me, is expected to release in late 2022. Thanks to these trademarks, it looks like Supermassive Games are laser-focused on continuing the series’ annual development cycle and release schedule. If you’re a fan of horror gaming in general, The Dark Pictures is well worth your time, especially if you have a few friends to play with.

NOW READ The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes Review

Source: Gematsu

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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