Unplug Yourself Festival of Games

Win Tickets to The Unplug Yourself Festival of Games in Joburg and Cape Town

In an age dominated by screens and digital entertainment, there’s a growing movement to unplug, reconnect with others, and discover the joys of tabletop gaming. Unplug Yourself has taken a significant step in this direction with the launch of its inaugural Festival of Games.

The Festival of Games is more than just another series of events; it’s a celebration of the enduring appeal and benefits of organized tabletop gaming.

From classic games like Dungeons & Dragons and Catan to modern favourites like Codenames and Exploding Kittens, the festival promises a diverse array of gaming experiences for enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels.

Philip Galliford, a longtime advocate for tabletop gaming and one of the key figures behind the Unplug Yourself movement says:

“We are thrilled to be launching Festival of Games. We saw a gap in the market for formally bringing people together at a long series of tabletop gaming events, and we took it. We believe that everyone should experience the joy and social spirit that tabletop gaming brings. The events welcome families, seasoned players, and newcomers alike. There’s something magical about sitting around a table, rolling dice, and strategizing with friends, family and newly made acquaintances. Globally, and in South Africa particularly, there is a resurgence of interest in tabletop gaming and a growing demand for innovative and diverse game experiences that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. There are a lot of exciting things on the cards this year – D&D celebrates its 50th year, Catan New Energy is landing, Pokémon will be bringing out new sets, and more,”

The Festival of Games aims to introduce more people to the variety of games available on the shelf, from hobby stores and online retailers. In addition to experiencing new games, players can participate in tournaments, demonstrations and learn-to-play events, led by experienced players and industry experts, such as Pokémon professors. These activities offer valuable opportunities for learning, skills development, and networking within the tabletop gaming community.

As society becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected, there’s a move to unplug, disconnect from screens, and reconnect on a deeper level. The Festival of Games offers a big, bold and refreshing alternative to digital entertainment, allowing people to bond, laugh, and pursue a new hobby.

List of games include:

    • Pokémon TCG Learn to Play
    • Bananagrams Tournament mode
    • Ticket to Ride
    • 5 Second Rule
    • Spot it
    • Bananagrams Normal mode
    • Qwirkle
    • Dixit
    • Azul
    • Rory Story Cubes
    • Cobra Paw
    • Codenames
    • Pass The Bomb
    • Exploding Kittens
    • Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza
    • Century Spice Road
    • Coup
    • Downforce
    • Happy Salmon
    • King Of Tokyo
    • King Domino
    • Pandemic
    • Space Base
    • Splendor
    • Unbongo
    • Dungeons and Dragons – Quick Encounter

The Festival of Games is happening at various venues throughout the country, be sure to buy tickets to secure your place. For more information go to the official landing page here.

Festival of Games Johannesburg

  • When: Saturday 13 April 10:00 – 17:00
  • Where: Oaktree Functions Venue
  • Tickets: Quicket

Festival of Games Cape Town

  • When: Saturday 13 April 10:00 – 17:00
  • Where: Durbanville Town Hall
  • Tickets: Quicket

GLITCHED has teamed up with Unplug Yourself to give away 8 tickets to these exclusive events in both Johannesburg and Cape Town.

Entry to win a Festival of Games Ticket is super simple. All you need to do is fill in the form below for one entry.

Generic Competition Form

This competition is thanks to Unplug Yourself. It is open to South African residents only and closes on 10 April 2024. Winners will be sent their Festival of Games Ticket via email.

Be sure to find Unplug Yourself on Facebook, X and Instagram to stay up-to-date with everything South African board games.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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