Dragon's Dogma 2 30FPS Consoles

Capcom Addresses Dragon’s Dogma 2 Microtransactions and Performance Issues

Dragon’s Dogma 2, the latest open world action-RPG from Capcom, launched last week Friday to glowing reviews. However, the positive buzz was marred by a controversy surrounding the game’s microtransactions as well as a myriad of performance issues, mainly on PC but some reports point to technical hiccups on consoles as well. Capcom recently came out to address both of these points.

Capcom posted a message on Steam going over the microtransactions and performance issues present in Dragon’s Dogma 2. To cut the message short, Capcom apologised for any inconvenience that the microtransactions may cause. In case you weren’t aware, everything being sold as microtransactions can be acquired by simply playing the game, which makes these optional purchases even more baffling.

“We would like to update you on the status of the following items, about which we have received numerous comments from the community,” began Capcom in its response. “To all those looking forward to this game, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.”

The developer goes on to adress the microtransactions but stipulate that they can be obtained in-game too. Addiitionally, the performance issues were also addressed. Capcom revealed that it’s currently looking into the crashes and problems with the game’s technical woes, letting players know that updates will rectify these issues in the future. The publisher also addressed the frame rate issues players are experiencing, especially in busy towns, stating that it’s also “looking into ways to improve performance in the future.”

The discussion surrounding Dragon’s Dogma 2‘s microtransactions has been divided among players. Many feel that it’s wholly unnecessary for them to exist (and particularly egregious) while others believe they’re non-intrusive and don’t impact the gameplay at all. We can only tell you to vote with your wallet and completely ignore them. The game is great and fairly balanced as is, so it doesn’t require any additional purchases whatsoever.

Source: Capcom

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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