If you’re hunting for the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth platinum trophy, prepare to play nothing but Rebirth for the next few weeks, if not months. The game’s platinum is a long grind and could take anywhere from 180-200 hours to unlock.
The trophy set for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth might seem easy, especially since a bunch of trophies unlock during the first few hours of the game for simply performing the most basic actions and tasks. However, underneath the easy intro trophies, there are a few that require a lot of dedication.
The real time sink, of course, comes from the Of Hardy Stock trophy which is unlocked after you complete the game on “Hard Difficulty”. This is only unlocked after you finish the game for the first time. That first playthrough can take anywhere from 50-70 hours on its own thanks to the large open world and side quests.
You’ll then spend a lot of time grinding to unlock all the Materia with Chadley. Once done, you’ll then need to complete the Virtually Renowned trophy which requires you to finish all Chadley VR missions. Some of these fights are incredibly difficult and rely on the best gear, Materia set-ups and levels.
Then there’s also the 7-Star Hotel trophy which unlocks after you collect every item in the game. This can take roughly 20-30 hours if you didn’t spend the extra time during the campaign finding them.
Altogether, these heavy collector trophies add up to a rather long Final Fantasy VII Rebirth experience. If you’re aiming for the platinum trophy, be prepared to spend at least 180-200+ hours in the game. Powerpyx has put together a detailed guide on the trophy hunting and what to look out for when playing the game. The guide does include minor spoilers so visit at your own risk.
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