Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow on the once-beloved HBO series, has spoken up about the controversial final season and ending to the show. The eighth season of Game of Thrones has gone down in history as rushed, messy and poorly written with characters making baffling decisions along the way. Harington says that “mistakes were made” regarding the conclusion of the series and claimed that everyone was just “so f**king tired” by the finish line.
Speaking to GQ, Kit Harington addressed the final season of Game of Thrones and its divisive reception from audiences. “I think if there was any fault with the end of Thrones, is that we were all so f**king tired, we couldn’t have gone on longer,” he explained. “I understand some people thought it was rushed and I might agree with them. But I’m not sure there was any alternative. I look at pictures of me in that final season and I look exhausted. I look spent. I didn’t have another season in me.”
The final two seasons of Game of Thrones had shortened episode counts. Season 7 ran for seven episodes while season 8 clocked in at 6 episodes. Even then, Harington said most of the cast was exhausted from the entire ordeal. After all, it’s a show that, at that point, had been running for over seven years straight with an annual release schedule. Season 8 skipped a year but the final season’s events were seemingly still taxing on the actor.
Harington also addressed the polarising reception from audiences for the final season. “Everyone is entitled to their opinion,” he said. “I think there were mistakes made, story wise, towards the end maybe. I think there were some interesting choices that didn’t quite work.”
Back in April, HBO announced that was scrapping a Game of Thrones spin-off show that would’ve focused on Jon Snow, presumably his adventures beyond the wall after the ending.
Source: GQ