Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a big game and if you already spent a few hours playing the awesome demo, you don’t have to replay the opening chapter when launching the full game.
Square Enix offers demo players the opportunity to skip the entire introduction to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. That’s because the demo, which featured the Nibelheim Chapter, is actually the game’s opening.
However, skipping Chapter 1 isn’t as easy as pressing pause and selecting the “skip cutscene” option because the option to skip the chapter doesn’t appear unless you import your save into the final game and reach a certain part of the first chapter.
So if you’re walking around Nibelheim wondering why you’re replaying the chapter, here’s when and how you can skip the content.
How to Skip Demo Content in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
First off, you’ll need to fully complete the Nibelheim Chapter in the demo. So you need to play the entire chapter from start to finish and watch the end-demo trailer. You’ll know when you’re done when the game’s pre-order screen appears.
After which, boot up Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. From here, you’ll want to click on the “Bonuses” option on the game’s title screen. This option will scan your PS5 for save data across Remake, the INTERmission DLC and the Rebirth Demo.
Each save will grant you something unique as follows:
- Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Demo
- Kupo Charm and Survival Kit
- Option to skip Nibelheim Chapter
- Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4 or PS5 save)
- Leviathan Summoning Materia
- Final Fantasy VII Remake INTERmission
- Ramuh Summoning Materia
Be sure to click “Check Saved Data” and obtain all the possible rewards. You can now click “New Game” and start your Final Fantasy VII Rebirth playthrough.
You’ll be welcomed to an introduction cutscene which is part of the demo content alongside a whole new playable segment. This acts as the game’s intro. After which, the Nibelheim Chapter will start.
Keep in mind that you will have to play a small portion of the Nibelheim Chapter before you can skip it. So don’t worry, you haven’t missed the opportunity to skip the chapter. This portion includes arriving at Nibelheim, meeting the mayor and resting at the inn during the first evening.
You’ll then start the next day and meet Tifa before heading out to the Mako Reactor. After a few credits show and you’re making your way up the hill, you’ll then encounter the first two Insectoid Chimera enemies. Only after killing these two enemies will the prompt appear to skip the demo content.
The menu will ask if you would like to skip the entire Mako Reactor chapter. When you select “Yes”, you’ll then fast forward to the evening scene where Sephiroth visits the manor right before the unspeakable catastrophe.
Skipping the Reactor takes you to this part
So essentially, playing through the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Demo does let you skip quite a good chunk of the Chapter 1 content. However, you’ll still need to spend a few minutes replaying the introduction and watching the crippled Cloud stumble through the town. But I would say it saves about an hour or so of the whole Mako Reactor segment.