The Nintendo platforms have always been a great place to play the Monster Hunter series. Not only has Capcom released multiple versions of the game on the consoles and handhelds but they are often home to exclusive games too. However, the Nintendo Switch has yet to get a release until now. Capcom announced Monster Hunter Rise, a brand-new entry in the series. Yes, this is not a port. Rather a full new experience.
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Monster Hunter Rise builds on the foundation set in “World” and features open-world exploration with each large environment hubs that are seamless to explore. According to Capcom, each hub is not only large but also tall with verticality being a key focus in Rise. Of course, the game is called Monster Hunter Rise so expect to “Rise” higher than before. One method of getting around is the Clutch-Claw-like tool known as the Wirebug. This Hookshot allows players to climb and swing up to players usually out of reach.
Capcom shared details on a location called Shrine Ruins. This environment features old ruins with thick bamboo and waterlogged fields. The location features towering rocks that Capcom claims hide plenty of secrets. The developer promises that each area will take players on a wild adventure that encourages exploration which is easier to experience now thanks to the various ways to get around.
Besides the Wirebug, there’s also a new Palamutes in the form of a dog that can carry players across large areas of land without draining stamina. These Palamutes can also fight enemies and make for great companions in combat. If you are playing Monster Hunter Rise solo then you can have two companions. One being the dog Palamutes and the other the cat-like Palico which serves as a supporting character.
The game’s social hub is now called Kamura Village where players can change gear and take on various quests. These quests will task players to take down large monsters. If the trailer is anything to go by, they are going to be ferocious.
Take a look at the trailer down below. Monster Hunter Rise releases on 26 March 2021 only on Nintendo Switch.