Ubisoft’s worst-kept secret is officially being announced tonight. The much-rumoured Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – Dawn of Ragnarok expansion will be revealed at 19:00 this evening on YouTube. While Ubisoft has yet to officially share the name of the expansion, we already know quite a lot about the content thanks to a new leak.
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla – Dawn of Ragnarok is expected to be the third and biggest expansion DLC released for the game. According to reports, it will add around 40 hours of game time to the current experience and take place in a heavy fantasy-themed world.
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The new Dawn of Ragnarok expansion is also not part of the game’s original season pass so expect to pay for this new content. The official game description reveals that Dawn of Ragnarok takes place in a world of mythology. Players take the role of Odin as they set off to save the beloved son Baldur from an immortal fire giant named Surtr.
The content takes place in the Nine Realms of Norse mythology. The realms are currently being threatened by the invasion of the kingdoms of frost and flames.
The story takes place in the magnificent Nine Realms of the Norse mythology, and here has been threatened by the invasion of the kingdom of frost and flames. The kingdom of dwarves in Svartalfheim is now falling apart; during the war, Odin’s beloved son Baldur was also unfortunately taken away by the immortal fire giant Surtr.
“Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok” is the most ambitious expansion pack in the history of this series: this time, Aivor must personally experience the fate of Odin, the war of the North and the destiny of the god of wisdom. The world of mythology, shouldering the urgent task of saving children, unleashing the brand-new supernatural power of the thunderbolt. After this shocking Viking legend, save your own flesh and blood before the gods are swallowed by the catastrophe.
According to the leak, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok will release on 10 March 2022 for all platforms. You can watch the full announcement at 19:00 SAT below:
Source: YouTube