Patapon Remake

Patapon Remake in Development at PlayStation

Sony Pictures Entertainment has announced a new advanced visualisation facility in Los Angeles called Torchlight. Essentially, Torchlight is a production facility where filmmakers can create digital scenes as part of the pre-visualisation process. The facility relies heavily on Unreal Engine and virtual cameras to link environments together. That way, filmmakers can create these worlds in real-time and speed up production. Why is this important in a news post about Patapon remake? Well, Torchlight showcased the game in a video reel.

During a CES 2024 showcase video, Torchlight go through the various steps of creating these pipelines for filmmakers. However, the big news here (for us anyway) is the existence of a Patapon remake. In the video, it is revealed that Torchlight is working with PlayStation, among other firms including Sony Pictures Animation, on future projects.

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The mention of PlayStation is followed up by footage of Patapon in action. We first see the original Patapon game in its 2D glory. It then switches over to a fully-realised 3D version of the game where the 2D elephant is now a 3D enemy and the little cyclopean creatures are running around – also with full 3D models.

The voice overlay in the video does mention Torchlight being a “testing ground for Sony”. So whether or not this remake will actually see the light of day is a whole other story. The clip also mentions “IP Development Gaming / Anime” which also could mean the video game series is being turned into an animation. However, I am siding with a remake in this case.

Patapon was originally released back in 2008 for the PSP. The original game was then remastered and released for the PS4 in 2019. Patapon 2 was then remastered in 2020. Sony hasn’t confirmed a remaster of the third game or officially confirmed the remake yet either. But the video is a pretty good giveaway.

Watch the clip below:

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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