An anime series based on the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels is currently in the works at Netflix, with the comic’s artist Bryan Lee O’Malley serving as a writer and producer. According to The Hollywood Reporter, there’s no series order yet meaning it still needs to move forward at Netflix, so take it with a pinch of salt for now.
Netflix and Universal Studio Group, who developed The Umbrella Academy and Chucky, will develop the brand-new anime adaptation of the popular Scott Pilgrim graphic novels from O’Malley. The creator and artist will team up with BenDavid Grabinski, the showrunner behind Nickalodeon’s Are You Afraid of the Dark? revival.
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Since there’s no confirmation yet of the anime adaptation moving ahead at Netflix, we recommend keeping your fingers crossed for now. However, given the popularity of the IP thanks to Edgar Wright’s excellent 2010 film adaptation Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, a Netflix anime series would be welcomed by fans – especially with the original creator attached to the project.
Scott Pilgrim revolves around the titular Canadian character and escapades with his friends, who form the aspiring band Sex Bob-omb. One day, Scott meets an American girl named Ramona Flowers and quickly falls head over heels for her. However, before their relationship can go any further, Scott has to defeat her seven evil ex’s in a pretty over-the-top and exaggerated fashion.
Six volumes of the graphic novel series were published by Oni Press between 2004 and 2010, and quickly became a breakout hit, selling millions of copies over the past decade and a half. It also received the aforementioned Edgar Wright-directed Hollywood film adaptation starring Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth-Winstead, Chris Evans, Brie Larson and Brandon Routh. An anime adaptation will make sense as it will be able to cover the original comic source material far more accurately.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter